A step by step guide to cleaning your Aquarium

Cleaning an aquarium is essential for the health and well-being of your fish and other aquatic life. Here's a step-by-step guide to properly clean your aquarium:


Materials Needed:


Clean bucket or container

Algae scraper or Aquarium safe sponge

Gravel vacuum or siphon

Clean cloth or sponge

Water conditioner, Kh Buffer & Gh Buffer

Fish net

Gloves (optional)


Step 1: Prepare Equipment

Gather all the materials needed for cleaning the aquarium and place them nearby.

Ensure that the water conditioner is readily available to treat tap water.


Step 2: Unplug Electrical Devices

Turn off and unplug any electrical devices such as filters, heaters, and lights to ensure safety during cleaning.


Step 3: Remove Decorations

If your aquarium has decorations such as plants, rocks, or ornaments, carefully remove them and place them in a separate container filled with aquarium water to keep them moist and prevent disturbing beneficial bacteria.


Step 4: Clean the Glass

Use an algae scraper or sponge to clean the interior glass surfaces of the aquarium. Start from the top and work your way down, using gentle but firm strokes to remove algae and other buildup.


Step 5: Vacuum the Gravel

Using a gravel vacuum or siphon, remove debris, fish waste, and excess food from the substrate (gravel or sand) of the aquarium. Insert the vacuum into the gravel and gently move it around to lift debris while simultaneously siphoning water into a clean bucket.


Step 6: Partial Water Change

Remove approximately 20-30% at a maximum of the water from the aquarium using the gravel vacuum or siphon. Be careful not to remove too much water at once, as sudden changes in water parameters can stress your fish.

Refill the aquarium with dechlorinated water at the same temperature as the tank water. Add a double dose of water conditioner to neutralize chlorine and chloramines also add in the appropriate amount of Kh and Gh buffers for the amount of new water added


Step 7: Clean the Filter

If your aquarium has a filter, check the filter media for any debris or buildup. Rinse the filter media only in the old water from the aquarium never under the tap and replace the filter media as necessary according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Clean the filter intake and outflow tubes using a brush or sponge to remove any blockages or algae growth.


Step 8: Wipe Down Surfaces

Use a clean cloth or sponge to wipe down the exterior surfaces of the aquarium, including the hood, stand, and any other accessories.


Step 9: Reassemble and Restart Equipment

Once the aquarium is clean and the water level has been restored, carefully reassemble the decorations, ensuring they are properly arranged.

Plug in and restart all electrical devices such as filters, heaters, and lights.



Step 10: Test Water Parameters

After cleaning and refilling the aquarium, use a water test kit to check important parameters such as pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels. Ensure that the water parameters are within the appropriate range for your fish species.


Step 11: Monitor Fish

After cleaning, monitor your fish closely for any signs of stress or illness. Sudden changes in water conditions can affect fish health, so observe their behaviour and appearance carefully.


Step 12: Regular Maintenance

Schedule regular maintenance sessions to keep your aquarium clean and healthy. Depending on the size of your aquarium and the number of inhabitants, aim to perform a partial water change and clean the aquarium every 1-2 weeks.

By following these steps, you can maintain a clean and healthy environment for your aquatic pets to thrive in.

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